Hockey, Coffee & Community

Experience the best coffee in Alaska (Kaladi Brothers) while supporting the local hockey community in a fresh, fun environment. Do yourself a favor and skip Starbucks

Quality coffee
Great Environment

“Fresh, hot coffee in a welcoming environment encompassing the entire lobby of the Dempsey Anderson Arena. I am SO thankful that someone FINALLY stepped up and brought this to the arena! ”

L. Barnett, Hockey Grandma


Exceptional coffee experience

Mission Coffee offers an exceptional coffee experience with its high-quality Kaladi Brothers beans and expert barista training. Start your day right with a perfect cup of coffee or espresso.

Exceptional coffee experience

Supporting our Hockey Kids

By choosing Mission Coffee, you are supporting local youth hockey teams. A portion of our proceeds goes towards funding youth hockey programs in Alaska.

<span>Supporting our Hockey Kids</span>

Fuel your body for success

Enjoy a variety of fresh and healthy food options at Mission Coffee Shop Alaska. We will continue to expand our menu to help make your evenings at the ice rink more efficient and less unhealthy. We look forward to service your family.

<span>Fuel your body for success</span>

"I love knowing that every cup of Kaladi I drink at Mission Coffee helps support youth hockey in Alaska. It's a win-win!"

V. Baker
(Hockey Mom)


How much does it cost?

Our coffee prices are directly in line with all the coffee shops around town. We don't gouge due to our location.

Do you have normal hours of operation?

Our regular hours are M-F from 3 till 8 pm and on Saturdays from 8 am till 4 pm. We are also open all day Sunday during all major tournaments!

Do you offer food and snacks too?

We offer a variety of healthy(er) options for kids and adults alike. We DO NOT sell candy or soda as this is an athletic venue.

Join us in supporting the hockey community and enjoying great coffee.

“Mission Coffee Shop Alaska not only serves amazing coffee, snacks, and tea. It's hard to find a better option in Anchorage - let along at a hockey rink! What a great addition!” - Eva Smith

Mission Coffee LLC | @The Dempsey Anderson 1741 W Norther Lights Blvd Anchorage, AK 99517 |